
Loch Ness

30 October 2012
This band formed in 28-01-2012, we are teenagers who want to work in the genre of world music undergound Black Metal, our personnel have its initial position in each band, which begins as a rhythm guitar ochen,and was invited setun ochen vocals as the voice on the LOCH NESS and grand as for his lead guitar. Our difficulty was to find a drummer who has the ability to play black metal, its ultimate solution for recruiting ocen got gacul as our drum We also recruited as a bass Ucup us, We desperately need support from all of you to continue to be a connoisseur of black metal music for us to be the best in the world of work in black metal. Thank you comrade continued support of local bands from Indonesia.


Setun - Vocal
Akbar - Guitar
Rosen - Guitar
Ucup - Bass
Gacul - Drum

Black Metal

Sule | 085691475733

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Posted by : Ibo Zavasnoz | Media Online Seluruh Band Metal Bogor

Artikel Loch Ness dipublish oleh Ibo Zavasnoz pada 30 October 2012. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya. Apabila ada kesalahan dalam penulisan atau isi konten yang tidak sesuai silahkan laporkan kepada kami disini.
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