This band formed in 28-01-2012, we are teenagers who want to work in
the genre of world music undergound Black Metal, our personnel have its
initial position in each band, which begins as a rhythm guitar ochen,and
was invited setun ochen vocals as the voice on the LOCH NESS and grand
as for his lead guitar. Our difficulty was to find a drummer who has the ability to play black metal, its ultimate solution for recruiting ocen got gacul as our drum We also recruited as a bass Ucup us, We desperately need support from all of you to continue to be a
connoisseur of black metal music for us to be the best in the world of
work in black metal. Thank you comrade continued support of local bands from Indonesia.
Setun - Vocal
Akbar - Guitar
Rosen - Guitar
Ucup - Bass
Gacul - Drum
Black Metal
Sule | 085691475733
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