

29 October 2012
Castigation established in Bogor in 1998. The band plays death metal music. Had non-active for long periods of time around 1999-2002. In musicality, castigation keep playing grindcore and focuses on social and political themes. The main influences on musicality Castigation widely available from bands like Obituary, Cannibal Corpse, Sepultura, Pantera, Napalm Death, Lock Up, and much more.

Castigation often changed personnel during the year 2003-2006. Reza Reptilious signed in September 2003 for the guitar position. Erfan Then the guitarist first came out in late 2004, shortly after Castigation became the band's concert opener on IMPIETY of Mexico on New Year's Eve 2004-2005 in Jakarta (Morbid Noise Event). Not only there, cracks back when it struck Castigation where Yana has a problem and came out in 2006. Castigation was frantically looking for a replacement until the end Tedy Moreno arrived and succeeded him as vocalist.

Tedy was officially announced to be the new lead singer for the event Castigation Splendor Of Hell in Jakarta, and went on to become icons for Castigation so people are more familiar with Tedy more than Yana. In 2010 Castigation add personnel to the position of the guitar, Gilang in to play as Rythym guitar that has a positive effect on the musicality. Tedy had come out in April 2011, since when it was replaced by andi as a vocalist while until Tedy rejoined to the present. Now Tedy is back! But at the end of June 2012 gilang (Rythym guitar) left the band, and now the line up is : Tedy (Vocals), Reza (Guitars), Ridu (Bass) and Johan (Drums).


Tedy Moreno - Vocal
Reza Reptilious - Guitar
Ridu - Bass
Big Joe - Drums

Death Metal | Grincore

Reze | +6283819000456

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Posted by : Ibo Zavasnoz | Media Online Seluruh Band Metal Bogor

Artikel Castigation dipublish oleh Ibo Zavasnoz pada 29 October 2012. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya. Apabila ada kesalahan dalam penulisan atau isi konten yang tidak sesuai silahkan laporkan kepada kami disini.
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